
look whose back!

So! I haven't blogged forever! My computer was getting the bugs worked out of it and I was going crazy without my mac. amanda p.+mac=true love!! How people get along with a pc I will never know?! So I just wanted to post my latest craft project. I made a frame for the girlie's room. I will have you know, I even power tooled it up and cut the wood and nail gunned it together! Who needs boys?


Sara! said...

I want a nail gun! Every occasion to get a gift, I tell Jason I want a saw and a nail gun. I still haven't seen them, I think he might be afraid of what I might do to him with them. I watch too many forensic files and it freaks him out. Maybe not just watching them, but actually having an idea of how I'd dispose of a body. Now I've freaked you out too.

MeL said...

Pretty sure I've used our Dewalt cordless drill 100% more than Philip has, and did I already mention my excitement when I got to go buy a crow bar? Yeah, us Jones girls are men, and from the sound of it, we all got our dad's stupid cottage cheese legs! (By sound I meant, the comments made, not like our thighs rubbing together. Sad day. Anyhow, cute stuff, and fun that you used power stuff.