All right, the 8 best, most interesting, shocking and hilarious facts about Amanda Porter:
*disclaimer: there may be more interesting or funny facts about me but they are either too embarassing or rediculious to share ;)
in no particular order:
- I am a fanatic about Halloween. Not the gorey killing corpses part of it, but the pumpkin, candy corn, leaves turning magical part of it. Spooky at a 5 year old's level. Side note.. I HATE scary movies. HATE.
- I am the world's worst speller. I firmly believe that you are either born a good speller or a struggling speller for life. IQ has nothing to do with your spelling capabilities.
- I might sleep deeper than anyone I know. One time my Dad accidently started our backyard on fire and I slept through the whole fire department coming to our house. I wish I could have been there to see it, but apparently I was just too tired.
- I LOVE being a Mom and want to have at least five kids. Maybe even seven! (if my husband's wallet is up to it.)
- I was signed up to go to Interior Design School out in Fountain Hills and then weeks before the school was supposed to start I found out I was pregnant. I still love decorating homes and hope to take classes someday.
- My favorite food is rice krispy treats. Have you ever made them with cocoa rice krispys? Delish.
- I really like Christmas movies. My favorite is The Grinch.
Dear Amanda,
Can I have your body? And hair? And face? I would like them all.
Love, Melissa
disclaimer... we had to take these pictures for our website for work. I know you all think I go out and take pictures of myself like this all the time (ok yes I do) i could take glamor shots like this of you if you really wanted! your husband would love them :)
So where is number 8? Was that the one that was too embarassing? I'd like to know that one too. I also love rice crispy treats, which are also good with fruity pebbles. I wish I was a deep sleeper, because I hear every little thing and then think that somebody is breaking into our house every night. I also need some glamour shots taken. I'll provide the feather boas, tulle, and lace. You look fab!!
Here is #8: You are freakishly hot, and I am incredibly jealous. I'm frumpy. whaaa.
I, like Alyson, am the lightest sleeper in the universe and *wish* I could sleep well. On our youth conference thing, the leaders were all worried about girls sneaking around, however, they were in luck that I was there, I woke up each time anyone's eyes even opened. I could just tell. I hated it.
Holy sexy! What a great photo of you.
I love your interesting facts.
You could have come up with better ones than that. What about how I said the ***** on your ****, how it had to be removed?
Don't think dirty, pervs.
You are gorgeous Amanda! I wish I lived in AZ so you and Darby could take pics of me my hubby
Read Melissa's comment again.
Cross out Love, Melissa.
Put Love, Angie.
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