well this post is a little behind seeing that Eden is on her 3rd week of preschool but I don't care.
Here's she is on her first day.
I asked her a few questions on her way to preschool about the unknown. Her responses... totally random.
Mom: It's your first day of school, are you excited?
Mom:What do you think you will do there?
Eden: ummm........ learn stuff
Mom: Like what?
Eden: pause..... like lantana are not pokey and trees are not poisonous and about flowers.
Mom: (in my head) WHat?!
In conclusion Eden is totally random and apparently knows what lantana is. I believe she is named very appropriately is going to grow up to be an agriculturist!
I love Ear Bug and her super sonic scorpion sighting skills.
it's because she is sandra's granddaughter. only a true kid of hers would know that.
Love love love her. Grandma Funk is so pleased i am sure.
Eden is such a cutie! Tatum just started preschool this week. They would have so much fun together! Pretty sure Tatum can learn from her horticulture skills.
love it :)
Eden is the darned cutest! I'm so impressed with your very smart child. My question is, was she disappointed in the baby stuff they taught her, or are you signing her up for horticulture with the extention service next semester? Way to stimulate your child's environment.
I cried a little tear of joy hearing a child response including accurate information about lantana. Way to go.
When does 4H start? Don't you guys learn that stuff there? What do the 4 H's stand for? Horticulture, Horses, Ham and Hogwarts? That's what my 4 H's would stand for.
She looked so cute on her first day. I want a shirt like hers.
I tried to send you an emial but mine is sorta broken right now. We moved all the way to the Eastridge ward, i still want to use your awesome photo skills for my baby, his acne is just clearing up, I'll call you soon. Is Eden going to JOlyn's preschool?
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