and all through the house.
No children were stirring
(except for Dad who had to go to work)
Amanda got up early
ready for the sales!
Emily came over quickly
school?! who cares!
then off to Albertsons'
for all things 99 cents
a spooky gingerbread house
I bought 2! I'm not a chintz.
(kind of a lame rhyme sorry)
Micheals held out on us
NOTHING was cheap!
Martha, you jerk!
then on down the street
to Target we went
our last chance for candy
OH MY! what they had
self control?! NOT Amandy :)
amazing pumpkin salad plates
for under a buck

and a table runner (how creepy)
what a bargain we struck!
the moral of the story:
don't count on Wal-Mart
for their 25 cent treasures?
only for Sandra (bless her little heart)

You didn't mention that you found a cheap vampire!
i'm still kinda ticked you girls didn't buy me anything. just cause I had to go to school. You know I would have bought you stuff.
Christmas dresses.
i'm really jealous of that stack of plates. so cute. i forgot to bargain hunt this morning. i was in my pajamas until at least 10:30. go me.
freaking clever poem, btw.
you take amazing photos and can rhyme, too. life is just not fair!
Cute poem... I scored at Target... I love post-Holiday deals.
I seriously love us. We should have a fan club. And the poem was very Sandra-esque.
Oh that is rich! I also scored at Target and was sorely disappointed at Michaels, HELLO?!! Martha needs to get it together. LOVE your pumpkin plates and runner. I was THIS close to getting those plates myself, and at the last second opted for the glitter plates. Did you find any unicorn costumes?
I want your plates.
Way to think up a creative poem for the post!
*different subject: yes, I know we had talked about cousin party in November, but I really, really want to do a gift exchange (I saw the most amazing thing!) so maybe December? or we could do it in November and get a jump on the Christmas festivities. Oh, what do you guys do the day after Thanksgiving? We could do it Friday night the 23rd, if everyone will be in town, or if not, the 16 would work, or the 30th! I'll host, I just want a good day that everyone will be able to go! All cousins that read this, report to me! (I'm leaning towards the 23rd or the 30th.)
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