Here's my inspiration:
Love this:

Also Loving this:
(I have always had a soft spot in my heart for Zebra. Must be my wild side...)

So does anybody have any other catalog ideas or companies that are amazing I might not know about? Not too concerned about prices from companies..... I'm mostly looking for some inspiration ideas. Like I have the money to redo my room for thousands of dollars. I also could go really girly and shabby like things from domestic bliss. I just need to do something! Share your knowledge por favor.
Don't know if you ever make it up to utah but.... Anything from Gardner village is my fav. You might look up Gardner villages website and see what they have. Also if you are ever there go to Rod works out by Thanksgiving point. CUTEST stuff for sooooo cheap.
We are living back in Mesa town! yee haa. Anyway Alan has decided to go back to school full time so we are crashing my parentals home. GREAT fun there. :) so we will have to get together if you husband will allow it since he only remembers me beating him up :) At least I know I can hit hard right?
i definitely vote for the zebra look. only last week, i was trying to convince my amanda to upholster a chair in zebra print. love it.
Hey, just wanted to let you know, in case you haven't heard, the cousin party isn't going to be the 30th. Emily and I talked about doing it on a Sunday night when hopefully nobody is working. First we thought the 2nd, but that's the broadcast, so now I'm thinking the 9th. Let me know what you think.
Oh, and since it's not a regular "babysitting type of night" you can totally bring the kids if you want and they can roam/play.
I vote zebra as well. SO cute, and if I had the fundage, I'd copy.
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