Whew!! Man.... going out of town might not even be worth all the work it takes to get there! pina coladas, no kids, enjoying a fabulous steak dinner on the beach, reading all of Martha Stewart and Real Simple in ONE sitting..... oh wait! yes it is! Coming home to every single article of clothing being dirty and Eden so happy to see me that she is crying.... what more could a mother ask for. :) So Molokai (the Hawaiian island we went to) was not what I expected. I guess that's what I get for not doing my research :) staying on a working cattle ranch, wild turkeys running around down by the ocean and no surf shops. It was such a fun experience! Totally felt like we had the island to ourselves. Our bride riding down to the processional on her horse.... we were in Hawaii, but it felt a little like home :) So I will have pictures to show in a few days... I only have 4700+ to go through. Until then I thought I might show a few of our last family pictures.
Darby shot like 764 pictures.... unfortunately my akward family was only looking in the camera for like 27 :( Honestly I have us take family pictures like at least 2xs a year so we can have a few each year we can keep. Thanks Darbs for hangin' in the cornfield with us! Great work!
I am so glad you are back and have decided to start blogging again! I have missed you! Hawaii sounds interesting- I hope you love it! And I am sure girls camp was an experience... Bless Lee's heart, I am sure he missed you. i am excited to see your pix.
ps. not sure when i am coming home. might go to asia next month. call me for more info!
This is why you're hot.
p.s. Ashlee, freaking come to Mesa to visit already..
Just wanted to drop a little hello. You look great! Love the long hair. Your girls are so stinkin' cute! Love the pictures. Hope all is well. We are good. 2 crazy kids and just doin' the mom thing.
Kasey (Garlock) Turner =)
Wow, you've been busy. I've got one week left of being pregnant. Maybe you could do some belly shots for me, or wait and do the newborn ones. I have lots to talk about, email me. robinbrimley@yahoo.com
Trent would love to go to the lake!
your family is SO FREAKING cute/picture perfect. i already made this comment earlier today @ the store...but just wanted to restate my high regard o' the cuteness thereof.
I really like th first three. Not that I don't like to see your faces or anything but I really like the first three. I think they turned out really well. emphasis again on me missing your kids.
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