
Take me to your leader

So when I finally have a boy, (knock on wood to not jinx myself) he must have a robot room, old school style. I kinda love all these prints from etsy and totally want all of them, but I WILL NOT buy anything boy until I know there is one growing in my belly. I might be kinda superstitious and know that the second I start stocking up on attractive boy things, I will be destined to a life of big hair bows, mary janes and ruffly panties.


Pepper Lovin! said...

Cute Stuff. Umm no they are not totally stricked. However, Gavin is amazing and can swim the whole way too and I am holding off one more year. I just think that it's a lot for them. It's hard to swim mucho times across in a row. I made my decision when we took him snowboarding. He did super but they just can't go as many times as the 5 and 6 year olds. So In my opinion hold off. But if she is super tall for her age and almost 5 then maybe consider it. I am just gonna put Gavin in a class this summer to work on strokes a little more. Sorry I don't have total advice but I hope that helped a little. I would be willing to trade some lessons for pictures. ahahhaa hint hint. :)

darbs said...

those are totally pimp

Leah Martineau said...

So if you don't have a boy next you can come and decorate Ryker's bare boring room!!! He would love those Robots =)

prism said...

love, LOVE the robots! Who says they are just for boys, though?

Isn't Etsy great?

Jonathan said...

Me likey.

Candice said...

Robots, so cute. Ruffly panties, so cute as well. You are totally good, either way! I know your next is a male. What will L.J. looke like?

Kami said...

Oh my gosh, Tim is going to be so excited when I tell him you want a robot room. He is building one as we speak for Halloween (yes it is April only).

Coree Adams said...

haha those are awesome pictures!

The Fletchies said...

i'm going to have to beat you to it and then steal your ideas.

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Okay you should see the sexy robot paper we have at work. Oh wait, I can't say that anymore because Annie says it at YW.

angiedunn said...

two things.

a. love the robots. good choice.
b. emily's comment made me laugh hysterically.

Melissa said...

I love the prints! You better think twice about the boy thing... Davis is always dirty and running around and wrestling something or someone... he can totally melt my heart in his own little boy way, though.