Lately I have been thinking a lot about what we were doing a year ago today. I think it has a lot to do with my Mom's birthday and wishing I had had more time here on Earth with her. Just enjoying the afternoons we had together and appreciating the advice she would give me about my life and my kids.
Also, thinking that my Mom would be 50 years old on May 1st. How I'd be past the half way mark on my life if I finished life here when she did. I guess one thing about losing your Mom at such an early age is that I am constantly evaluating how I act as a mom to my girls. I try to appreciate every afternoon together and spend time one on one with them just reading or talking.
I am also grateful for the example my Mom is to me in my life. If I can be half as fun and creative as she was as a mom, I'll consider myself doing good.
So here's a few pictures of how we were living life and spending time together. Make sure you always hug your mom and tell her thanks and you love her every time you see her... cause you'll really miss her when she's gone :) Love ya Mom.
I love this picture of the family! You know we all loved your Mom! I just had flash backs to a lot of my Sandra memories...
I've totally been the same way all day today. It didn't help when I went to the Dixon's for a girls camp meeting and talked to Claudia about life and just remembered how much mom liked her and how they are alike. Can she be our new mom?
This is really an inspiring post. You are so right, Amanda. I feel I need to improve so much in that area. I get bogged down in the day-to-day, and don't savor life like I ought. Thank you for the reminder.
I remember my time at Vista Cleaners, and your Mom (and you Laura!) were always helping me out with things that I didn't understand, she was ALWAYS so sweet and understanding. This was a really sweet post, and we could all remember to give our Moms a hug more often.
Thank you for the great reminders Amanda. Those are things that I need to remember EVERY DAY!
Hey Amanda, thanks for posting that!(it made me cry!) I've never thought about being a mom like that, and it made me appreciate my kids.(sorry to stalk you by the way)
Oh I loved seeing what your girlies looked like when I first started to get to know you guys. =) Delia is so grown up now.
All I know is even though I didn't know your mom, I know she was one amazing woman because it takes an amazing women to raise such great children and you are someone I wish I was more like. Thank you for the wonderful reminder to cherish those we love. =)
I loved this post. I miss your mom. So much. But so much of her lives on in you girls. I'm not nearly as cool as her, (really a poor man's Sandra) but I'd love to adopt you all!
hey girl! you're totally right about making time! cause I'm so bad at that when it comes to being stressed if my house is clean or not...instead of just letting it go to play and hang out with my boys. I have to do that A LOT. they just destroy whatever I just cleaned. but I love it. very inspiring! and yes, I'm in love with the yellow polka dot swim bottoms on that website! so cute! love the skirts too. and the lake...of course. my boys love it! they're all about riding in the tubes. and i'm gonna try to get crew up on a wakeboard this year. but at least swimming or splash pads in the mean time! where are you guys at? we're on higley/southern. we should definately chill.
sandra was one of my favorite people ever. always so easy to talk to and concerned about everyone but herself - a true giver.
and she raised some awesome girls!
let's just say your mom is/was the bom.
{or should i say your momb is/was the bomb?}
Hey! It really changed the way I cherished my girls too. to have my mom gone and not be able to make that phone call some days...
So funny to see your girls pictures too, we love your girls....
ok I had no idea you lost your mom. What happend? Or it's probably none of my business. I am not very sesored. I know you she knows you love her the way you raise your girls is an example of that! You are the best.
You girls had a great example in a mother. I think about her often and I know Dave thinks of her every day. You are doing a great job with your family and life.
Love Aunt Sue
I'm a completely random person, who has another friend Amanda Porter, I came across your blog a few months ago while googling for her blog. I also love photography, crafts, and am LDS, so I check out your blog every now and then. I lost my dad 2 weeks ago-- so to read about your mom was really touching. Thats what I realized when I lost my dad -- he truly lived life to the fullest, and loved his family and kids above all else. He has inspired me to realize what is most important -- as I'm sure your mom did. Thanks for sharing.
Your girls look LITTLE. They have grown lots in a year! I do the "year ago today" thing all the time.
I am glad you shared this- anyone who read this has had a great reminder of the important stuff.
You are one outstanding mama!
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