Just a few random things about me: Amanda Porter

My favorite dessert is dulce de leche cheese cake from cheese cake factory
I once got a speeding ticket for going criminal speed
My favorite vacation spot would be either Hawaii or Rocky Point- pretty much anywhere I can wear a swim suit all day and live in the sun.
My biggest pet peeve is little kids with long fingernails- especially when they are dirty. Come on moms trim their nails!
I love Monday night movies with Lee, after the girlies are asleep
I once drove 20 miles to Chandler in my husbands 1956 bug with the emergency break on the whole way.... what is that smell? I thought. He really loves me :)
I want seven children
No matter how hard I try to chose a new toe polish color, I always end up choosing the same color. It's a dark hot pink.
I am the deepest sleeper ever
I don't like to chew gum.. and no! I don't always have stinky breath. Only after I've eaten Costa Vida.
I would kinda like to live out of the country for a few years after my kids are grown. But like in ghetto Brazil or Mexico City
I hate hate hate scary movies
I love dark chocolate... no I don't have Jungle Fever :)
I am 5'10" and have no problem wearing 3" heels. My husband is 5' 10" also.
I hate playing video games. I can't even beat level 2 in the original Mario Brothers
I ran cross country in high school trying to make myself love running... it didn't work
I don't like most fruits. Anything with seeds, forget it. But I love vegetables, almost any kind.
Not to mention you are a crazy-good photographer, amazingly creative, and have a great sense of style!
You better get moving on the whole 7 kid thing. When is the next installment due? I love all your random facts and I'll join you in Rocky Point anytime.
That was fun! I do the same dang thing with nail polish. But mine is like a dark purple.
Okay I LOVE you so much and MISS you! I can't wait to play soon. Your amazing.
okay so i didn't know that you liked dark chocolate, or that you didn't like to chew gum or that you wanted to live in a third world country and I'm pretty sure you're favorite dessert has always been rice krispie treats.
Don't try to get all adult on me. Either that or I am really bad sister given that I didn't know half of this stuff.
I feel so special, because you would like to live in My country some day. Hopeffuly I'll be there so I can show you how fun and crazy that place is...
I find it so endearing that you don't like fruit and that you sleep so deep. Probably because of Lee's description of nighttime when you have a newborn... how he does all the work and you sleep right through the feedings, even though you are the source of the food. :)
I learned some things I didn't know, too!
Just when I think I know a person!! You are to cute and love learning random things about people. Oh and don't look at Rykers nails because I swear I cut them and the next day they have already grown out again and yes their is always dirt under them. It grosses me out as well!!
So I must be your bff because I knew ALL of those things. And next time you refuse the gum I give you, why don't you just tell me you hate it instead of being polite, yo?
Fun little facts! I too, have a thing w/ kids & long fingernails ... then am MORTIFIED when my OWN kids are donning them :P AAAA! So, I understand a little more now ;)
And, you will never love America more than when you live in a foreign, Latin country :) Trust me. (but it IS fun)
I loved all these tidbits about you! I'll bet Reid was so proud when you got your criminal speeding ticket. Also, me and you probably have twinner toe polish - I love dark hot pink!
You guys should start doing "Birthday Person Trivia" like we do in the Jones fam. It's where you have the b-day person answer lots of random questions like this and then everybody tries to guess what they answered. The winner of who knows them best gets some kind of a prize. (We still don't really have a good prize, we've just settled for a long, awkward hug from the b-day person.)
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