AND NOW.......
she has driven me CRAZY!!!
Lately she repeats anything anyone says and if she isn't repeating your words she is asking WHY!
(why and mine are currently BAD words in the Porter House)
So we have spent many of the last few days at Grandma Funk's house while I help the sisters redo their bedroom and Eden hs spent alot of time with Grandpa
Yesterday she was walking, nay dancing around saying "ram-squattle rag-a-muffin...ram-squattle rag-a-muffin"
I have one thing to say:
"Too much talking!" ( as Anne would say. I'm starting to realize I may use a few too many of Anne's terms too often)
Devin used to think Annie got everything she said from the family. Now when I answer him mah mah mah and bored he realizes I just pick it up from her. I think he's going to start canceling our play dates.
I love you and I love Annie! She is pretty much amazing. Maybe a solution is have Ann spend alot of time with Edie... can you please comment on my blog/ be a part of my life.
I worship your children and am actually slightly excited for them to come over in 45 minutes. And wouldn't you rather she say ragamuffin and ramsquaddle than stop bossing me?!
Haha I love the Porter children! Eden seriously cracks me up but I am afraid I might encourage her naughty behavior by accidently laughing at everything she does and says. I have also been using ALOT of Annie terms lately. I love that they came from her brain.
you are the Best Mom I love to see what the heck you write!!
ok so are we going to hang out sometime soon??
2 things we MUST do soon go to the LAKE
and have a PLAY DATE!
are you guys going to the ward campout?? I think we should ALL go together!! good times!
I feel your pain! I live with four girls that never stop talking! I think most the time they are just talking to hear themselves talk, not to be saying anything in particular. So many times I've been tempted to use the SH_T UP word (you can fill in whatever letter you like - they both apply.)
ok so Tuesday
Mark is OFF yeah so e on give us a Call!!
Hi Amanda! It's fun to see you on here. I hear ya!!!!!! I have a three year old named Sy and you took the words out of my mouth to describe him. He drives me crazy sometimes. And he talks a million miles a minute, never stops. Never a dull moment. I love him, but as they say "Silence is golden." I just wish there was more of it.
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