Seriously! How has it been so long since I updated?! Can I say I've been busy? no.. not really. So how bout a really long post to catch up on the Porter House.
Lee and I were invited to go to Durango with his boss. They have a home minutes away from Purgatory Ski Resort and it was AMAZING!
We rode up with Lee's Aunt & Uncle Liz & Steve. They are friends with the Lotts(lee's boss) and decided to come too. I seriously LOVE them and was so excited to spend some time with them. I love to talk to them and get insight on their amazingness of parenting. Did I mention they have 5 seriously professional children? Seriously, I want to be like their family... they are awesome! K- so enough Porter love...
We took a couple extra hours on the ride up for Steve to take pictures. It was alot of 80mph driving and then slamming of the brakes to pull over for just the right shot. :) But, we didn't die and check some of these out... I think it was worth it.

The Lotts home was just beautiful and planned/built for tons of fun people to come stay and have the best time ever. And we totally did. Here's Me & Lee getting dinner together.

Wednesday we drove up and Thursday & Friday was for skiing/boarding.

There was SO much snow! When I have gone snowboarding in the past it has been to Sunrise, Snowbowl & Sundance. Seriously... that was NOTHING compared to Colorado. Here's the size of the icicles on the houses

So the 1st night it was -30 and -4 that morning as we were getting ready to go out for the day. I have never been so cold. We had neck warmers that covered the rest of our faces that our beanie&goggles didn't cover. You had to be completely covered when you were going down the mountain or it was FREEZING! Here's Liz & Steve, you can't really tell it's them with all their business on :)

So here's just a few more random pictures of the trip courtesy of Steve :)

The second day of skiing it snowed tons.. By the end of the day you couldn't even see up the mountain. But we still finished with a smile :)

did you know there was going to be snow there? that would have made me stay home! colorado in the SUMMER is beautiful. glad you had a great time!
GORGEOUS indeed!
Holy amazing!!! That house is beautiful. I'm so jealous you got to go.
We missed you and Eden at church today =( Heard she was sick.
Good on ya for FINALLY updating your blog=)
ok crazy the house looks like the HGTV dream home or something. glad you had fun. I am so jealous
Um, how fun. Your pictures are amazing. I could really go for that like, perhaps tomorrow.
Um, you weren't kidding. That looks like a Cribs cabin. So fun!!
You didn't tell the part about being so cold that you would just snot on your neck warmer. Hello. Important details.
How fun for you guys that you got to take such a fun vacation! The picture of all the trees looks amazing! As do all of the other pictures you take, especially the ones of your darling girlies!
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