I was thinking about how I could plan for my children to go to the Temple and on missions when they are little, and I wanted something physical they could have to work towards their goal. I thought to make Temple Jars, so for FHE on Monday we had a lesson about families being together forever and then we made Eden a Temple Jar.
We gave her all the spare change lying around the house and told her she could start saving for her own pretty white dress for when she goes to the Temple. When we have boys then we can have a picture of the Temple and pictures of Lee on his mission on their jars. Hopefully she will want to fill up her jar. ps- why does delia love to make hideous faces?!
And on a side note, I just wanted to show off my amazing find at the store the other day. I found these cloches. I saw some in a magazine at Halloween time and was obsessed. Online they are a little pricey, but I found mine for $7.99(12'') and $13.99(18") Nice deal.
The temple jar is such a great idea! I may have to copy! You are pretty much awesome.
You are a mom that knows!!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful idea and maybe in a few months, when Ryker is a little older I will do the same!! Thanks for not keeping your idea to yourself.
Also so jealous of the jar things, I forgot what they are called. I've been obsessed with those for awhile now to. Don't worry i won't make you reveal your secret store where you found them =)
we had fun at the park today, I'm glad Ryker was much better at sharing his scooter. Deep down I know he has a thing for Delia =)
I'm glad i got to participate in your awesome find by showing eden the awesome toys and awesome painted stools that say "I'm a princess" and other such nonsense. -Bubz
What a SUPER idea, Amanda! Saving for the DRESS! What a deal :)
Oh my goodness what a great idea! I LOVE IT!
Amanda - I love the idea of the temple/mission jars - maybe we'll have to borrow that idea. I think it would be good for the kids to start saving some of their own money for that.
Why does Delia make those faces?? Have you seen what her dad and uncle do in photos? I don't think I have any "normal" photos of them. haha.
Thanks for being such an inspiration
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