My sisters and I were talking afterwards, and we decided that this wedding was just perfect. Cute country music but not cowboy, yummy mexican food but not mexico, bright colors that were so fun and nice weather, not too hot. AND did I mention the amazing bouquets?!
Gigs For President
1 week ago
gorgeous! you girlies did a great job on the sign in table. love it. i'm mad i didn't get to attend. i don't know how, but it seems like i've been having grandbabies on jones' wedding nights lately. i think tate was born the night laura got married and now this! it's okay, though. they're keepers!
beautiful, as always, amanda. wow! I love this stuff! the table, the flowers, the cake, the photos. lovely!
You don't know me, but I'm Jacob and Natalie's aunt Janet and Stephanie's old friend. Your pictures are beautiful and the flowers, cake and decorations are amazing. You Jones' are very, very talented!!
That is it. Please come decorate my house!!! I keep thinking if I hang around you enough your talent will rub off on me but it hasn't work yet!! Seriously i want to get married again (to the same guy of course) and you are hired to decorate!!
PS I'm serious about my house!!!!! =) Name your price.
As a told you today, I love it, you and your sisters can come and decorate my house anytime...
what a talent...
that's awesome you guys get to go on a long vacation! jealous. but yea, just hit me up when you get back or something. we'll totally chill! My number is 480-415-5112..hit me up girl!
you have, once again, inspired me to take beautiful pictures. so, step #1: buy a great camera. step #2: get your e-mail address to discuss buying said camera. could you e-mail me so we can talk about it? I'm saving my pennies! here's my e-mail: Thanks!!
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