
the smell of a fireside

Sunday was Gwenny's first day at church.

Getting 3 girlies dressed and looking ready for 8 o'clock church plus me is no small feat. I may need to rely on superwoman strength for next week... good thing its conference :)

And Lee did help, but the sheer time alone to part the hair for pigtails, to curl in ringlets, to choose matching bows and flowers. Seriously supernatural powers.

So after church we all hit the hay. We haven't taken a Sunday nap in ages. It was wonderful.
Baby loved snuggling up next to her dad :)

Later that night as I was talking to the girls as they went to bed, delia comments..."Mom, you smell like a fireside."

"A fireside?" I ask. "What does a fireside smell like?"

She replies matter of factly... "Oh smokey and stuff."

I LOVE my little little girlies and the way their minds work :) I guess I never explained what a fireside was, so she put two and two together.

Maybe next time I'll bring the graham crackers.


Kirk and Aly said...

Yeah, we know all too well how Sunday mornings go. Kirk said from the beginning thathe'd get the boys ready for church if I'd do the girls...that didn't work out so well for me. :)

Brynn told me the other day, when I was in the middle of running errands and such, that I smelled like when I go to the gym. Thanks.

Liz said...

You are a superwoman!!!

Cluff Family said...

Kids are so cute! Fireside...it makes sense...you've got smart girls! :)
