where I found this fabulous bird cage. I had been looking for some kind of bird cage to put in Eden's room and this was exact-o-mundo what I pictured! And I didn't mind that it was marked half off too :)
We found so many cute things at the Junque sale! They had the cutest jewelry and amazing clothes by She She Frock, a company that totally rocks (amazing prices too!) I'm so glad Laura heard about this cutest ever sale and hope they keep having them! Next time I'll let you know about it too! So perfect in the historic district of Mesa!
Did you see you-know-who there? Supposedly she was going.
Fun stuff! I thought about going, but changed my mind when I thought about getting showered and ready before noon on a weekend. I'm lazy.
don't worry i don't think i have yet to take off the earrings I bought there. maybe thats because i'm goth and always wear some sort of black so they always match. whatev. it worked for johnny cash.
HEY!! So I'm sorry I'm just now posting you back;) I'm soo glad you guys came and yes it would have been cool to meet you! ha I think I remember seeing you pick that birdcage up, or someone...but I'm glad you snatched it! Anyway, so the spray paint was straight up from HOME DEPOT:D isn't it cute!? I was surprised too, just go to the spray paint section and I can't remember the brand but theres two pink colors, its the lighter one. Thanks again for coming and especially for the shout out! We're going to have a sale again this month at my house, just to try to sell off what we have before we go hunting for more! Wow this is a long post, sorry.
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