After much thought and consideration Lee has finally decided what he wants to be this year for Halloween: He's decided to model his costume after this kind gentleman I met while in Hawaii. I hope he shows as much leg. I couldn't be happier :)
Okay, now think of costumes for me and Philip please.
Also, we are thinking of a tentative Cousin Kickball party on November 10th. We were thinking of playing a little K-ball in the morning, and then heading to like Ned's or something delicious for lunch. Any thoughts?
Oh, and I want to live in your Halloween House Magazine Perfect Decoration Picture. That's all.
Okay, now think of costumes for me and Philip please.
Also, we are thinking of a tentative Cousin Kickball party on November 10th. We were thinking of playing a little K-ball in the morning, and then heading to like Ned's or something delicious for lunch. Any thoughts?
Oh, and I want to live in your Halloween House Magazine Perfect Decoration Picture. That's all.
I love it!
Holy cow! That is amazing. Gavin told me that I needed to wear a mask. Is that a hint? i mean geez
haha, that's awesome...can't wait for you to post pics of that!
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