So I finished the rest of Eden's pictures from this weekend. I was kind of just messing around with actions and stuff, so I made some pictures have different looks than I usually do. ps. Emily says the picture of Eden with the picture frame is a little too naked and there are wierd perv men who will enjoy looking at it. Honest opinions only! What do you think? Is she just pulling the Sanrda card or am I a little too personal?
Wow-zers that was a TON of pictures! Oh well if I spent the time to work on them I might as well show them off. :)
Oh. My. Word.
What a beauty full girl! And some beautiful photos as well. Love her funky outfits. A fitting label for this series might be "Granddaughter Funk". Just an idea. :)
Tell lee sorry I totally do not remember that. wow I can't believe I did that.
31 to 2. We obviously know who your favorite daughter is. Devin.
But I saw the picture of delia crying when you were trying to take her picture so I know you did the best you could. Devin says they would be hilarious to see so we both think you should post some. How is eden so hot? Is it bad to be jealous of a three year old? Laura.
I love your girls and I LOVE those pictures. I seriously need you to shoot some of my babes.
How did you get so lucky to have a cute girl, or two, and then know how to dress them cute so they don't look like every kid out there, and then know how to take AMAZING pictures? Those are so fun! I was trying to decide on a favorite, but I can't.
I like the pic frame one. I think it is innocent and cute. She is a baby and it is fun to get those pics that you can 'use' later in life.
THose are so cute. Nice work on the pictures.
How the h do Eden's feet still fit into those boots? Did you cut the back out? Seriously.
bfd- she is not naked enough... but really you can't avoid all the pervs out there. so just live & let eden look good.
have i mentioned that every time i look at these pictures i laugh. how i love earbug! i think i need a book of these pictures or they can be my new binder cover just to make me happy. please and thank you? -bubzee
I'M DYING right now over those pictures! We now officially need to meet. I love the style, the location, the colors, everything. Where did you go to take those?
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