I introduce to you Captain Butterfly & Madame Pickles.

These superheroes are often found flying down the hall, bonking each other on the head & making messes with their super-human strength!
Delia... I mean Madame Pickles wasn't too sure about keeping her cape on. I guess she doesn't need a cape to have superpowers :)

A special thanks to Aunt Alyssa who taught my girls of their special super powers!
I love the goggles... it polishes off the superheo look.
capes are always superfashionable/supernecessary for superheros. it helps when they {and the wearers} are also supercute!
Thank you for admitting to the world that your child's name is Pickles. And I am the coolest in the world that I made it up.
speaking of capes...
the other day I came home from school and open the door to see my roommate tying her cape, whilst wearing her black knee length boots. The best part is... that she was not expecting anyone to see her and was shocked to see me. it was great.
i like Ashley's story. too bad pickles is a non-cape lover. perhaps she's not ready for that phase in her life.
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